JSW Energy - Board Committees

In addition to the statutorily mandated Committees, the Board constitutes additional functional Committees from time to time to meet the operational business requirements.



Audit Committee

The Audit Committee presently comprises of three Independent Directors, as follows:

  • Mr. Sunil Goyal, Chairman, Independent Director
  • Ms. Rupa Devi Singh, Independent Director
  • Mr. Munesh Khanna, Independent Director

The Members possess adequate knowledge of Accounts, Audit, Finance, etc. The broad terms of reference of the Audit Committee are to review the financial statements before submission to the Board, review the reports of the Statutory and Internal Auditors, review the weaknesses in internal controls, if any, reported by Internal and Statutory Auditors, etc. In addition, the powers and role of the Audit Committee are as laid down under Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013, and Regulation 18 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015


Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee

The Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee presently comprises of three Directors, out of whom two are Independent Directors and one Executive Director.as follows:

  • Mr. Sunil Goyal, Chairman, Independent Director
  • Mr. Sharad Mahendra, Jt. Managing Director & CEO
  • Mr. Munesh Khanna, Independent Director

The broad terms of reference of the Committee are to review the quarterly reports on complaints, share transfers, unclaimed dividends, etc. submitted by the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the Company, periodically ascertain and look into the quality of the Company’s Stakeholders’ grievance redressal system, to follow-up on the implementation of suggestions for improvement, if any, to periodically report to the Board about serious concerns, if any, etc.


Compensation and Nomination & Remuneration Committee

The Compensation and Nomination & Remuneration Committee comprises of three Independent Directors, as follows:

  • Ms. Rupa Devi Singh, Chairperson, Independent Director
  • Mr. Sunil Goyal, Independent Director
  • Mr. Munesh Khanna, Independent Director

The broad terms of reference of the Compensation and Nomination & Remuneration Committee are to determine on behalf of the Board and on behalf of the Shareholders, the Company’s remuneration policy, carry out performance evaluation, recommending candidates for Board appointment, to formulate detailed terms and conditions of the plan/scheme in compliance with SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 and as per Companies Act, 2013 and such other matters as may from time to time be required by any statutory, contractual or other regulatory requirements to be attended to by such Committee.


Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee comprises of three  Directors, out of which two are Independent Directors and one Executive Director as follows:

  • Ms. Rupa Devi Singh, Chairperson, Independent Director
  • Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Independent Director
  • Mr. Sharad Mahendra, Jt. Managing Director & CEO
  • Mr. Ashok Ramachandran, Whole-time Director & CEO 

The broad terms of reference of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee are to recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on CSR activities and to monitor the CSR policy from time to time.


Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee comprises of three Directors, out of which two are Independent Directors and one Executive Director as follows:

  • Mr. Munesh Khanna, Chairman, Independent Director
  • Mr. Sharad Mahendra Jt. Managing Director & CEO
  • Mr. Sunil Goyal, Independent Director

The broad terms of reference of the Risk Management Committee are to oversee the Enterprise Risk Management framework and to periodically review the framework including cyber security, high risks items and opportunities which are emerging or where the impact is substantially changing.


Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee comprises of three Directors, out of which two are Independent Directors and one Executive Director, along with four Permanent Invitees as follows:

  • Mr. Sunil Goyal, Independent Director
  • Ms. Rupa Devi Singh, Independent Director
  • Mr. Sharad Mahendra, Jt. Managing Director & CEO


Permanent Invitees:

  • Mr. Ashok Ramachandran, Whole-time Director & COO
  • Mr. Pritesh Vinay, Director (Finance)
  • Mr. Prabodha Acharya, Chief Sustainability Officer

The broad terms of reference of the Sustainability Committee are the adoption of National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC) relating to Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business in business practices of the Company, review the progress of initiatives under the purview of business responsibility (sustainability) and to periodically assess the ESG performance of the Company


Project Review Committee

The Project Review Committee comprises of five Directors, out of which two are Independent Directors, two Executive Directors and one Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director as follows:

  • Mr. Sharad Mahendra, Chairman, Jt. Managing Director & CEO
  • Mr. Ashok Ramachandran, Whole-time Director & COO
  • Mr. Parth Jindal, Non-Executive, Non-Independent Director
  • Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Independent Director
  • Mr. Rajiv J. Chaudhri, Independent Director

The broad terms of reference of the Project Review Committee is to monitor the progress of large projects with the objective of timely project completion within the budgeted project outlay.