The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India Limited(NSE).
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Contact Our Team
Tel.+91 22 4286 1000
JSW Centre
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai - 400051
Tel.+91 22 4286 1000
Tel. +91 22 4080 7000
SBICAP Trustee Company Limited
Phone : 022 4302 5555 / 5566
Unit: JSW Steel Limited
Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: 1800 309 4001
WhatsApp Number: (91) 910 009 4099
KPRISM: https://kprism.kfintech.com
KFIN Corporate Website Link: https://www.kfintech.com
Corporate Registry (RIS) Website Link: https://ris.kfintech.com
Investor Support Centre Link: https://ris.kfintech.com/clientservices/isc
*Please cite the folio numbers (if you hold physical shares) or the DP ID and Client ID (if your holdings are de-materialized) in all your correspondence.